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Teaching Assistantship:

1. EE210A: Microelectronics-I (May'22 to Jun'22)
TA Supervisor: Dr. Rik Dey (IIT Kanpur)

2. EE380A: Electrical Engineering Lab-I (Jul'22 to Nov'22)

TA Supervisor: Prof. Baquer Mazhari (IIT Kanpur)

3. NPTEL NOC23 EE-62: Basic Electronics (Jan'23 to Apr'23)

Course Instructor: Prof. Mahesh B Patil (IIT Bombay)

Link of Tutorials: click here

4. Workshop on 'Basic of MATLAB': CSJMU (Kanpur University) (Mar'23 to Apr'23)

5. NPTEL NOC23 EE-91: Semiconductor Devices and Circuits (Jul'23 to Oct'23)

Course Instructor: Prof. Sanjiv Sambandan (IISc Bangaluru)

Link of Tutorials: click here 

6. NPTEL NOC24 EE-139: Microelectronics: Devices to Circuits (Jul'24 to Oct'24)

Course Instructor: Prof. Sudeb Dasgupta (IIT Roorkee)

Link of Tutorials: click here 

Courses Offered:

1. Comprehensive Circuit Analysis with SPICE: Dept. of ECE, CSJMU (Kanpur University) (Jan'24 to Mar'24)

2. Comprehensive Circuit Analysis with SPICE: Dept. of ECE, CSJMU (Kanpur University) (Ongoing!) 


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